This afternoon has been hot
and humid. A long walk along the river
meant that the little hand running up behind me and grabbing mine was sweaty
and sticky. But, it was perfect. I know that one day, sooner than I shall
expect, that hand will not want to hold mine at all. Then one day it will be a big, man hand and will
dwarf mine.
After the little one announced
that he wanted me to ‘snack him up’ (!), we settled on the grass by the river
and watched boats, helicopters and ducks.
We took time to sit and search for four-leafed clovers and admired the
daisies. I sang (it’s ok, there was no
one around...) ‘Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do...’ to him loudly, as my
Grandma used to do with me.
It got too hot so we continued
on, following an official footpath sign.
However, we soon discovered we had no idea where we were. Apart from the concern of getting home in time
to cook dinner, I was a bit worried that we’d been out for some time in the
heat. I was expecting the little one to
pass out from thirst as we powered up the last hill to discover the main road
and a helpful bus stop to rescue us.
An unplanned trip on the
bus is about the best thing my son can think of happening in an afternoon so he
was overjoyed, if a little worn out.
Watching him after
dinner watering the seeds he’d planted with husband, wearing just his t-shirt,
baggy pants and wellies is an image I’d love to keep in my head for a long
time. Well, I did take some photos, but
I think they’ll be seen only by a future girlfriend or for blackmail.