
Tuesday, 22 January 2013

A day in the life of...

I dropped my son at nursery at 9am this morning. 

Since then I have:

·         Done the grocery shopping

·         Cleaned my son’s room – recycling the old pictures, sneaking broken toys into the bin, matched bits of toys together and reorganised his cars

·         Vacuumed the whole house

·         Emptied the washing machine

·         Put on more washing

·         Hung up wet laundry and put away dry laundry

·         Ironed a load of dry laundry

·         Emptied the dishwasher

·         Sorted the recycling - including hiding anything my son may still think he wants

·         Filled the dishwasher

·         Matched toys up downstairs and put them in the right place

·         Cleaned kitchen surfaces

·         Replaced loo rolls

·         Changed bathroom towels

·         Organised a bag for charity

·         Sorted through a load of old receipts that were lying around

·         Cleaned jam out the hall carpet

It’s now 12:15pm and lunchtime.  I have time for lunch and to clean the bathroom before I’m off again to get to the nursery early to go through my son’s ‘learning journey’ to check how both he and the nursery are doing.

I often wonder whether teaching teenagers what is involved in being a parent of a young child might make them realise it’s not all fun.  Would adverts highlighting the reality of parenting help the teenage pregnancy rate?

On the plus side, it is all good exercise!

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